A Fuller Smile with Dental Restorations in Madison, IN
Restoring your teeth not only enhances the aesthetics of your smile, it improves the health and function as well. Missing, damaged, and decayed teeth can be enhanced by a variety of restorative options.
At Madison Center for Dentistry, Dr. Zac Gilbertson and our dedicated staff offer restorations for patients in Madison, Hanover, and other towns throughout Jefferson County. If your teeth need repair, replacement, or reconstruction, call our office today to set up an appointment.
Repairing Your Teeth
When we discover decay and small fractures in your smile, we clean out the area, remove the decay, and apply a composite resin to fill the tooth. The tooth-colored material is not only more aesthetically appealing but also a healthier alternative to metal fillings. For our patients with pre-existing amalgam fillings, we examine for leaking and fractures, replacing them with more conservative tooth-colored fillings.
For patients with complications requiring larger fillings or root canal therapy, we restore teeth with porcelain onlays or crowns, depending on which option is most appropriate. The porcelain material provides stability to aid in proper function, while still preserving as much of the original tooth as possible. Our Madison dental office utilizes digital photography to closely match your restoration with your natural tooth color.
Replacing Your Teeth
When missing one or more teeth, implant-supported restorations provide the utmost strength and stability. The titanium implant post acts as a natural tooth root, saving the jaw from deterioration and providing a sturdier bite. Our dentist in Madison recommends this teeth replacement option since it provides even force distribution in the bite and enhances longevity.
We can also furnish your smile with implant-supported restorations, such as crowns, bridges, and dentures. A single-tooth is best replaced with an implant-supported crown. For those missing several teeth, a dental bridge fills the empty space. Patients missing an entire arch benefit most from hybrid or overdentures.
Our team also examines your pre-existing restorations and replaces them if worn down or not operating suitably. Regardless of the prosthetic you choose, the Madison Center for Dentistry has a treatment option for you.
Contact Us Today!
Dr. Gilbertson appreciates a challenge, and restorative dentistry offers him the chance to test his craft with the goal of providing a positive dental experience. If you live in the Madison area and want to know your restoration options for damaged or missing teeth, call to make an appointment today!